Double Frame Tray
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Double Frame Tray

Double Frame Tray Double Frame Tray Double Frame Tray Double Frame Tray

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Double Wall Frame Tray styles are known by the name of Roll End Tuck Front and many other names. It presents the well known and highly demanded cherry lock feature. In addition to that, this type of box is not glued. The user just has to lock the lid after putting the product in.

This Box Style is well suited for heavier items due to the exceptional security it provides. The shape and draft of this type allow the best accommodation in trailer trucks and other transportation. So it’s completely feasible to transit and provides you with the facility to have any size boxes made with add-on choices like a custom window cutout on the boxes, or going for gold/silver heat foiling.


Custom Double Wall Frame Tray are extremely helpful to utilizeand it can be effectively collected. These boxes give help with a lot of stuff because of their adaptable nature. These boxes acquire they’re organized formed by moving the sideboard from the wall and lid.


The power in our hands enables us to put your ideas on the boxes that you choose. Custom printed Double Wall Frame Tray can look captivating if you put some designs on it. Hence, our service allows you to choose from a variety of designs. The artwork is superb and you will definitely admire it. Still, if you are not satisfied, we can arrange you with some of the designers of our own. They will make sure to put their skills to work and produce mind-blowing results for you. Order your boxes now!

Customer Service Information

If you are looking for the printing of custom boxes for your business or personal use and want some unique shapes and custom made boxes then, the boxes printed by us are made right for you.

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